The Seventh Seal | Van Halen |

The Seventh Seal

Testo The Seventh Seal

Walk me down to the wishing well
help me find that miracle
splash that holy water on me
drown my faith in trinity, yeah!
oh yeah
Little by little, gonna get it, I swear
one more piece of the puzzle, I‘m there
gotta get lucky gotta get that done
little bit of luck never hurt no one
come on take me down, down, down...
I‘m in a cold sweat
Lord don‘t let me drown, drown, drown, drown
in mother earth‘s soul, yet
under darken skies
we‘ll see the light
broken now I can‘t help but feel
someone cracked the seventh seal
nothing sacred, nothing left unturned
when nothing‘s simple then nothing‘s learned
so take me down to the virgin spring
wash away my suffering, oh
splash that holy water on me
wash my eyes so I can see
come on take me down, down, down...
I‘m in a cold sweat
Lord don‘t let me drown, drown, drown, drown
in mother earth‘s soul, not yet
Lord I think I found, found, found...
my mother lode, hey
down, down, down, down, down, down,
take me down, down, down, down...
take me

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